Karma holding an ankh staff with the blood moon and the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara behind her.
Karma the Warrior Egyptian Goddess at Saqqara

When I started writing Bad Karma, I had no idea where this character would take me. I wanted a real connection with the character which is why she and I share the same born day. We were both born during the Winter Solstice, one of the most powerful days in the year. Born December 22, in a ten year, makes me feel powerful and special. Karma is both powerful yet vulnerable and it is her vulnerability that really amplifies her power. Torn away from her loving family and twin is traumatic. It is possible she protected herself from the truth by denying it.

The name Bad Karma evolved from the curiosity that I had at that time with karma. Karma is certainly not bad in the literal sense; she is bad-ass. She is a good fighter. Her training in the martial arts also came from my training in karate during my teens. Her heart is going through a metamorphosis as she experiences eros for the first time. This activates her heart chakra which starts to unleash her powers. I believe we all have this power within us and sometimes it gets blocked by trauma. We start shielding ourselves from the pain of abandonment and betrayal.

We know that the heart chakra is the seat of power. You cannot manifest, meditate, or activate properly from a blocked heart. To open your heart can be a scary and terrifying thing if you have been traumatized at an early age. Yet it is possible. Karma chose to do this through her spiritual practices. She gives reverence to the Earth Mother Gaia and is getting in touch with her inner witch. And like every hero, she needs the help of her besties. We all want those souls who are rooting for us and are willing to help us along our hero’s journey.

Sometimes we have others around us who are pretenders. They are there to put obstacles on the journey to your greatest prize. Enter the villain. The frightening thing about the villain is that they do not believe they are evil. They see themselves as good while they are doing wicked things and hurting people. They see themselves as not too good – boring! But certainly not bad – righteous really! And so, in the quest for your prize, which the villain feels should rightfully be theirs they will do anything to block your blessings.

Karma must face many obstacles on her journey to finding the truth and seeking justice. The young goddess is still learning about herself as we all do. Her love affair with Khonsu is one of passion, frustration, trust, betrayal and so much more. Ultimately, Karma must confront the truth if she is to come into her power and save herself. By saving herself, she saves the world. It is my wish that we all learn to save the world by saving ourselves.

Find your inner goddess.

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